What Is the CSC service work charge on credit card or bank statement?

The CSC service work charge on credit card or bank statement is a fee for using laundry or appliance services. It appears when you’ve utilized equipment maintained by CSC Service Works. This charge typically ranges from $1.50 to $10, depending on the specific service used.

Have you ever spotted a mysterious charge on your statement and felt confused? You’re not alone. Many people are puzzled when they first see a CSC service work charge. It’s a common occurrence that often raises questions among consumers.

CSC Service Works is a company that manages laundry facilities and appliances in many locations. They handle payment processing for these services, which is why the charge appears. Understanding this can help you better manage your expenses and avoid unnecessary concerns.

What is the CSC Service Work Charge on a credit card?

CSC Service Work, a maintenance company specializing in commercial equipment and laundry services, is behind these charges. They’re the wizards keeping your local laundromats, apartment complexes, and businesses running smoothly. When you see this charge, it’s typically related to using their services maybe you did a load of laundry or used a vending machine they maintain.

These charges are legitimate transactions, not some sneaky fee. CSC has been in the game for over 90 years, providing reliable machines and innovative solutions across the US, Canada, and Europe. They’re the unsung heroes keeping your clothes clean and your buildings comfortable.

Why does the CSC Service Work Charge appear on my credit card?

Why does the CSC Service Work Charge appear on my credit card?

You might spot this charge for various reasons. Perhaps you used a CSC maintained washer or dryer in your apartment complex. Maybe you grabbed a snack from one of their vending machines. Or it could be related to HVAC services they provided in your building.

The amount can vary you might see charges of $2, $5, or $10. It all depends on the service you used. CSC handles everything from commercial laundry equipment sales and services to hotel laundry facilities. So next time you’re doing laundry in a shared space, remember you’re likely using CSC’s services.

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CSC Service Works Charge on Credit Card Contact Details

If you need to reach out to CSC, here’s the lowdown:

CompanyCSC ServiceWorks
Address35 Pinelawn Road, Suite 120
Melville, NY 11747 USA
Customer Service1-844-272-9675
Appliance Warehouse1-800-693-4343
Super Laundry1-888-707-9274
Sparkle Solutions (Canada)1-866-769-0680
Academic Division1-800-762-3452

How to stop/reduce CSC Service Work Charge

Contact the CSC service work charge company

If you spot an unrecognized fee or suspect a false charge, don’t panic. Reach out to CSC directly. They’re usually quick to rectify any erroneous billing. Be ready with your account details and the specific charge information. If you’re still unsure, your bank can help dispute the payment.

Use the CSC Service Work Charge machines carefully

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When using CSC maintained equipment, follow the instructions to a T. Don’t overload washers, and make sure you’re using the right amount of detergent. These simple steps can prevent unnecessary charges and keep the machines running smoothly.

How does CSC Service Work Charge appear on bank statements?

How does CSC Service Work Charge appear on bank statements?

When you see the CSC Service Work Charge on your credit card statement, it is related to a service or product you purchased from them. If you’ve used their services, you’ll see charges like CSC ServiceWorks, usa csc tep co, or pos csc tep co on your statement. Don’t worry if the amounts are small, like $1.50, $2, $5, or $10 these are charges for the services they provided.

How to prevent CSC Service Work Charge

Check for errors

Review your bank statements every day to ensure all charges on your credit card or bank account are correct. Make sure you’re not being charged for services you didn’t use. If you find any mistakes or unexpected charges, contact the CSC Service Work support team and let them know.

Understand your account policy

Knowledge is power. Familiarize yourself with your account’s terms and conditions. Understanding the fee structure can help you avoid unexpected costs.

Use CSC Service Work service carefully

When using CSC services, be mindful. Follow machine instructions, don’t overload washers, and treat equipment with care. This not only prevents extra charges but also keeps the machines in good condition for everyone.

Pay on time

Late payments can lead to additional fees. Set up automatic payments or reminders to ensure you’re always on time. It’s an easy way to keep your account in good standing and avoid unnecessary expenses.


Understanding the csc service work charge on credit card doesn’t have to be rocket science. By staying informed and using services wisely, you can keep these charges in check. Remember, these fees are usually for services you’ve used, maintaining the equipment that keeps your clothes clean and your living spaces comfortable.

Next time you see a CSC charge on your statement, you’ll know exactly what it means. And if something seems off, you now have the tools to address it. Stay vigilant, use services wisely, and keep your financial health in top shape. After all, knowledge is the best defense against unexpected charges.

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